Diverticulitis, a condition often associated with aging, involves the inflammation or infection of small pouches (diverticula) in the colon lining. While primarily known for causing abdominal pain, questions often arise regarding its potential link to back discomfort. This article looks at the possibility of diverticulitis causing back pain and the specific conditions under which this might happen.

Complicated vs. Uncomplicated Diverticulitis

Diverticular disease, marked by the presence of diverticula, has two forms: uncomplicated and complicated. In uncomplicated diverticulitis, the diverticula become inflamed or infected without further complications. However, complicated diverticulitis involves additional issues like abscesses, obstructions, or fistulas. Understanding this distinction is crucial when considering whether diverticular disease can cause back pain.

What Does Diverticulitis Back Pain Feel Like?

Diverticulitis back pain is often described as a constant, dull ache that tends to worsen with movement or pressure. Notably, back pain is not a common symptom of diverticulitis. The primary discomfort is usually abdominal, characterized by aching or cramping.

If you are experiencing back pain, it could be due to a complication of diverticulitis or be totally unrelated. This back pain is often a dull, persistent ache that may be exacerbated by movement or pressure.

Diverticulitis Back Pain Relief

For back pain related to diverticulitis, simple at-home remedies like acetaminophen or a heating pad can be effective. We usually advise avoiding NSAIDs during a flare-up. Dietary adjustments, such as a liquid diet or high-fiber intake post-recovery, may also aid in alleviating discomfort.

Additional Considerations

Regular check-ups with healthcare providers are important for managing diverticulitis and its symptoms, including back pain. In cases where severe symptoms occur, like unceasing abdominal pain or bleeding, immediate medical attention is crucial.

When To Seek Immediate Care

Diverticulitis usually does not require emergency attention unless complicated. Signs like severe pain, persistent vomiting, or ongoing constipation are red flags. This is vital knowledge for anyone concerned about whether and its severity.

While not commonly associated, diverticulitis can cause upper back pain in some diverticulitis cases, especially if complications are present. Understanding when your back hurts with diverticulitis and how to manage it effectively is key. For those in need of professional advice, our pain clinic in Chicago can provide further guidance, especially if the pain is similar to discomfort like back pain from sleeping.

Get Help With Your Back Pain

Coping with diverticulitis may impact your daily life and overall health. At Pain & Spine Institute, we employ advanced equipment and techniques to assist in your recovery. Schedule an appointment with us, and we will determine whether your discomfort stems from diverticulitis or another cause.